New Biomass Energy System Fuels Our Journey To Sustainability

At LOCK5, our focus to reduce, reuse and recycle is a high priority in all we do in our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.

As we design and deliver bespoke solutions for interiors and exteriors of temporary event structures, quite often we find ourselves with materials from major projects and events that could end their life as landfill. As sustainability leaders, we see this as a great opportunity to reduce our carbon footprint, and contribute to the sustainability of our precious environment.

LOCK5 donate wood offcuts to the Ascot Shed community workshop where the skillful members recycle the wood by transforming it into bird boxes, benches and other resourceful projects.

wood waste offcuts

However, there are occasions where the wood waste offcuts are not fit for this purpose.

This led to us carrying out extensive investigations on how we would best prevent these wood waste offcuts, MDF and timber from going to landfill. We are thrilled to have sourced a new, biomass energy system as a solution to dispose of our wood waste and provide affordable heating for our employees; the Talbotts T300 warm air heater system.

The T300 system runs on wood waste offcuts, MDF, chipboard, plywood, waste pallets and OSB, which converts this valuable resource from waste to energy, providing a sustainable heating system which saves money and reduces carbon.

Our LOCK5 team is certainly enjoying the benefits in our winter cold spell!

biomass energy system

It is extremely important to us at LOCK5 that we play an active part in ensuring the livelihood and safety of our planet for future generations. We are fully dedicated to becoming a more sustainable company and are constantly exploring additional ways to become more environmentally friendly which includes designing and developing a new generation of versatile stock linings – we will shortly be announcing our latest innovation; LOCK5 Genesis lining system.

Find out more about how LOCK5 can ensure you receive the best possible experience, call us on 01962 454656 or email us at

Specialists in turning visions into reality, on time, every time – Call 01962 454656 or

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